TLC Designs Inspiration — DT Marj Banzales
Simple Greeting
#Design Team #DT Marj #easyquickcards #ForestPals #PerfectlyPreciousPaperPack Coloring DT DT Marj Banzales Forest Pals Happy Dragonfly Circle Ink Blending Perfectly Precious Paper Pack
TLC Designer

Stay Cozy from Snow Buddy
#DigitalStamps #DT Marj Coloring DT Marj Banzales Snow Buddies
TLC Designer

You're Made of the Best Snowflakes
#Classic Santa Slimline paper #DT Marj #LandandSeaDies #ScallopedRectangleGarden DT Marj Banzales Land and Sea Dies Land and Seas Die New Release Scallop Rectangle Garden Die Scalloped Rectangle Garden Dies Scalloped Rectangles Garden Snow Buddies
TLC Designer

You're My Favorite SNOWPAL!
#DigitalStamps #ScallopedRectangleGarden Bundles Digital paper DT Marj Banzales Scallop Rectangle Garden Die Scalloped Rectangle Garden Dies Scalloped Rectangles Garden Snow Buddies
TLC Designer

Stay Cozy My Friends!
#AppleADayDie #InkBlending #snowyskiespaper #WatercolorNaturals Apple a Day Apple A Day Dies Coloring Digital Illustration DT Marj Banzales Snowy Skies Slimline paper Watercolor Naturals
TLC Designer