TLC Designs Inspiration — #PerfectlyPreciousPaperPack
Simple Greeting
#Design Team #DT Marj #easyquickcards #ForestPals #PerfectlyPreciousPaperPack Coloring DT DT Marj Banzales Forest Pals Happy Dragonfly Circle Ink Blending Perfectly Precious Paper Pack
TLC Designer

How to create a Christmas card using non-traditional colors
#DaisyFrameDie #PerfectlyPreciousPaperPack Daisy Frame Die DT - Steph Ackerman Perfectly Precious Paper Pack
TLC Designer

Wishing You A Sweet Day!
#PerfectlyPreciousPaperPack #Turtle-icious Apple a Day Apple A Day Dies DT Marj Banzales Perfectly Precious Paper Pack Scalloped Rectangle Garden Dies
TLC Designer

#AlicornHappiness #AztecSunshineDie #Birthday #InkBlending #InkyFingers #InteractiveCards #LandandSeaDies #OutdoorFriends #PerfectlyPreciousPaperPack #SceneBuilding #SlimlineCard #SlimlineMultiSlider #TLCDesignsChallenge #Toga'sandBubbles #TrollCricketFun #Trolls #ZinniaSlimline
TLC Designer

The Fairy Foxtrot
#ActionStamps #HappyTheDragon #InteractiveCards #LandandSeaDies #PerfectlyPreciousPaperPack #SceneBuilding #TiptoeFairyDance #TLCDesignsChallenge #Toga'sandBubbles
TLC Designer