TLC Designs Inspiration — #splashofheartsandlandstencil
With love ......
#AztecSunshineDie #Design Team #easyquickcards #HappyBloomDay&Clouds #splashofheartsandlandstencil Aztec Sunshine Die Set Aztec Sunshine Dies copic coloring DT - Steph Ackerman Gnome Celebration Stamp Set Happy Bloom Day & Clouds Stencil Happy Dragonfly Circle Splash of Hearts & Land Stencil Stencil
TLC Designer

Poetic Pixie Outdoor Masterpiece
#DaisyFrameDie #Design Team #DigitalStamps #dryembossing #dtkinjal #PoeticPixie #SceneBuilding #splashofheartsandlandstencil #Stencil DT - Kinjal
TLC Designer

Hi and welcome to the TLC Designs blog. I am Kinjal, from Mind My Paper, and super excited to share this card. I am sharing this fun card with the background made from just one stencil. Yes, you got that right! I am in awe of the TLC Designs stencils, as they have multiple edges along with the main part. So you not only get to use the stencil for the main image but the edges can be used to make many more additional elements. Here is how I made the background: - I used this Splash of Hearts and Land stencil....